week in review PW 4

This week in Project Wonder was a good week. I know good is a bland word but that’s all my unfocused brain can come up with right now. I started and finished my level 3 “essay” on going more in-depth with Author’s purpose. I also started working on level 3 for effective speaking which I have been holding off to do for a while. Our class was also allowed to bring our phones to class to download an app that lets you message your teachers because you’re more likely to look at your phone then you are your email so the teachers can see your message and respond faster. I got somewhere in my book Pet Sematary by Stephen King and I hope to finish it soon so I can read other books probably not by Stephen King though because I like to balance things out by reading books by different authors.  I am less proud of the writing I did this week for a weekly review than the other ones but, I hope to improve that next week. Something that I hope to do next week is to finish my level 3 effective speaking “essay” and start a new unit by doing levels 1 and 2 of that unit maybe 3. If I have time I will start and finish level 4 in the effective speaking unit.